by Ria Janine Ramos April 25, 2016


With the ever growing number of social media influencers and fashion bloggers these days, starting out and venturing into this world is not what you can call a walk in the park. There will be days when you will feel confused and disheartened. I know, because I have been going through it as well. All you need is hard work, courage, confidence, kindness, and inspiration. That’s the winning formula.  I had a lovely chat with two gorgeous ladies, both named Natalie, and I hope that they would inspire you as much as they have inspired and motivated me.



The universe responds when you follow your heart…”


Natalie S. started her blog, HERPERSONATALIE, and bought her own domain name back in 2015 with a little push from friends and people who mattered to her. She is a lover of arts and expresses that through writing and creating. Her blog is her medium. With it, she engages with her readers and acts on her love for supporting and inspiring others.


Naturally, getting to know Natalie S. and her personatalie *wink*, would make you think this lovely lady is surrounded by people who are just as sweet, and she is. Her source of inspiration is her little sister whom she says is a dreamer, a go-getter, generous, and the creator of her own path - “A great role model for women everywhere.” And, “Without knowing it, she is now that little voice inside that tells me to never stop doing what makes me happy and to keep aiming big.” Don’t we all need someone like that?


Natalie S. went through a life challenge that most of us experience, “Ignoring what I knew my passions were and aimlessly seeking a path that was more realistic, and simultaneously thinking I could be the type of person who settles for comfort over expansion…“

But, she believed in herself, took a risk, and became stronger than she was before. I allowed myself to want what I want, affirm what I want, and go for what I want. I changed my major, started studying film and television, and step by step everything has fallen into place since then. The universe responds when you follow your heart…” She is empowered by self-love and knowing that the universe expands beyond the limits of her imagination.


Her advice:


“Do this for fun, do it for personal growth, do it for engagement, do it for the opportunity to collaborate, and do it to share your perspectives on style and life with the world! Love what you do and don't do it for the numbers. It is all about the content. Appreciate the love you receive and enjoy how humbling it is and that's it. Don't lust for more approval and don't let negativity deter you because then you're losing touch with the joys of creating. Don't hold back your support for the work of others that you admire. Be open with your love and I promise it will be returned. Don't compare yourself to others. We are all different be you and be super proud of your own personal work. Your content is a reflection of you and will continue to grow as you do.”




 Natalie Bolt, Ryan Seacrest and Tyra Banks’ love child, Beauty Bolt


“The universe has a funny way of doing things, and just because you didn't get one opportunity doesn't mean you'll never get to do it or that you won't get to do something even better!”


Just like any us who can be indecisive about what we really want, Natalie Bolt struggled to figure out what to focus on when she started her blog. She made the blog to talk about her favourite things. After getting past the need to pick one thing to focus on, she finally decided to blog about everything related to her passions and redesigned her blog. Now, she has had the opportunity to start working with some brands and gain incredible experiences. It all worked well for her.


Some of us may have this dream of becoming tv hosts for events like Fashion Week, and Natalie B. has had that opportunity. But, she didn’t achieve this overnight. “It’s really hard to get TV Hosting opportunities, especially given my age and level of experience, but I keep putting myself out there and send out tons of emails every week. You don't even get rejected. You just don't get a response, which can be very disheartening.“ She did not give up and was rewarded with opportunities such as hosting a three day showcase called AMCONYC during New York Fashion Week. She has interviewed the Creative Head of Hair and Makeup, their sponsor’s (Dunkin Donuts) Brand Manager and Culinary Head, Bravo TV’s Rachel Grant, and Micah Milner - an incredible digital artist whose work has garnered attention from Yahoo!, Buzzfeed, Complex Magazine, and Vice.


Natalie B. believes that if you don’t get something you want, it’s probably because it wasn’t right for you.  When one door closes, another one opens, and more often than not, the latter is something even better.


Her Advice:


“For bloggers, I'd say make sure you're creating quality content on the things that you are passionate about. I strongly believe that the aesthetic of your blog is incredibly important. And don't forget that it's never too early to start working with brands if that's what you're interested in doing. 

For aspiring TV Hosts, my best advice to you is to start NOW. Find local events and interview local business owners or friends that are doing interesting things, so that you can create a reel!”

Ria Janine Ramos
Ria Janine Ramos


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